Screening Test for Aphasia and Dysarthria (STAD) - Why choose us?

STAD can be used for all types of brain injury - Screening Test for Aphasia and Dysarthria

  • Brain tumor
  • Cerebral infarction
  • Epidural hematoma
  • Head trauma
  • Intracerebral hemorrhage
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Subdural hematoma

And more

Over 18 years spent developing STAD in Japan

We have improved the test accuracy of STAD without compromise. You can use the screening test, which will be clearly different from your own tests, with ease in your clinical practice. 

The3 reasonswhy STAD was selected


Assessing multiple aspects of communication

  • STAD consists of verbal, articulation, and nonverbal sections
  • These multiple domains lead to overall post-stroke communicative disorders
  • You can used it to make initial speech and language therapy strategies


Standardized screening tool

  • Reliability: Chronbach’s α from 45 acute strokes study
  • Concurrent Validity: Spearman’s rs from 48 stroke patients
  • Normative data: -1.5 SD from 222 healthy controls aged over 50 years

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STAD can be applied to any patient

  • Very short period of time without burden on patients
  • With increased adaptability, even for patients with severe communicative disorders

Meet users of STAD, Screening Test for Aphasia and Dysarthria

Ms. Ayumi Uehara (SLP)

I have been thinking about how I can reduce the burden of patients’, how I can better understand their symptoms at an early stage, and how to perform screenings in a short period. STAD is not difficult to use and it gets easier with practice. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Ms. Miho Miyasaka (SLP)

When reviewing new patients, there were differences in review points between beginner medical members and experienced experts, and it seemed that beginners were not sure how to review them. We provided advice, however we were not convinced that our advice was 100% correct. Although screening is easy, the contents need to be understood. 


The Research Center for Child Mental Development,
Professor Eiji Shimizu

Mr. Kentaro Araki is committed to screening test research, which evaluates communication abilities in the case of brain damage.  He completed his Master’s and a this subject from the Graduate School of Medicine at Chiba University, and is currently working as a project researcher. I will support him so that he can continue developing STAD research based on evidence and provide beneficial medical services that contribute to many clients with communication disorders.

Department of Rehabilitation, non-tenured professor,
Machiko Kozono

I believe that the ultimate work of a speech pathologist leads to “Art” craftsmanship. The key task here is to appropriately capture the essence of a disorder and to thoroughly consider what type of mentorship is necessary to improve the person’s quality of life on their road to recovery in the aftermath of brain damage . Even unique and brilliant painters have insatiately repeated basic drawings at an early stage. Similarly, to improve your skills as a speech pathologist, you need to improve your judgment skills by performing a screening based on evidence. Dr. Araki’s STAD, which has been a research achievement for over a decade, will be useful for “Art” as a speech pathologist and the establishment of technologies and knowledge.  

Kentaro Araki, a developer and representative of the STAD, is responsible for the contents.

Evidence of STAD in journals, international conferences and  books


  • Araki K, Hirano Y, Kozono M, Fujitani J, Shimizu E. The Screening Test for Aphasia and Dysarthria (STAD) for Patients with Neurological Communicative Disorders: A Large-Scale, Multicenter Validation Study in Japan. Folia Phoniatr Logop. 2021/Sep/10. Online ahead of print.
  • Araki, K., Kozono, M., Asada, K., Shimizu, E., 2018. Standardization of Screening Test for Aphasia and Dysarthria (STAD) Clinical Neuropsychology (Tohoku) 29, 11-16 (in Japanese). 
  • Araki, K., Uno, S., Fujitani, J., Fushimi, T. (2009). Screening for aphasia and dysarthria in patients with acute stroke Nihon Gengo Chōkakushi Kyōkai (Japanese Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research), 6, 3-11 (in Japanese).

International conferences

  • Kentaro Araki, Yoshiyuki Hirano, Kozono Machiko, Eiji Shimizu: Predicting Discharge to Home and Brain Lesions Using the Screening Test for Aphasia and Dysarthria. ASHA Convention: Nov 2021, Washington
  • Kentaro Araki, Yoshiyuki Hirano, Kozono Machiko, Eiji Shimizu: Screening Test for Aphasia and Dysarthria and Prediction of Stroke Patients' Discharge to Home. ASHA Convention: Nov 2020, San Diego.
  • Kentaro Araki, Yoshiyuki Hirano, Kozono Machiko, Eiji Shimizu: Development of a Worldwide Screening Test for Communicative Disorders Poststroke for International Comparisons. Academy Of Aphasia: Oct 2019,
    Macau. DOI: 10.3389/conf.fnhum.2019.01.00010 
  • Kentaro Araki, Daisuke Matsuzawa, Machiko Kozono, and Eiji Shimizu: A pilot study for standardizing the screening test for aphasia and dysarthria (STAD).  APCSLH: September 2017, Narita. 
  • Kentaro Araki, Daisuke Matsuzawa, Junko Fujitani, Eiji Shimizu: Development of a screening test for aphasia and dysarthria.  ASHA Convention: Nov 2014, Florida. 


  • Araki, K., Kozono, M., 2018, Screening Test for Aphasia and Dysarthria. Interuna Publishers, Inc. (in Japanese). ISBN-13: 978-4900637542 


Because we provide the STAD for FREE, we would be grateful if you could consider:

  • answering a questionnaire about STAD
  • cooperating on future STAD research

And making the STAD more useful and effective for improved clinical practice in the future!